Our Letter to You

Dear Friend,

Life is crazy. Sometimes the path we think we are heading down ends up winding a direction we never thought we’d go. For us that path was adoption. It wasn’t what we expected for our lives, but has become the biggest blessing we’ve ever experienced  - and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

As we are writing this letter to you, we are thinking of you and praying for you.  We want you to know how much we care about you, even without knowing you yet. We know this is a difficult time for you, and although we haven’t been in your shoes, we want you to know we also have some experience with heartache and having to make difficult decisions. 

The most important thing we want you to know is that your child will be loved.  Each member of our family will love and teach them all kinds of things:  

Zack will toss them in the air to make them laugh at the top of their lungs, he will take them on long bike rides and teach them how to throw a football. He will show them how to pitch a tent and have tea parties with them.  He will brush their teeth and snuggle with them while reading bedtime stories.   

Julie will play Candy Land with them,  play dress up or dolls, build ceiling-high lego towers with them and teach them how to draw.  She will come up with awesome Halloween costumes and remind them to be reverent when they bless dinner.  She will braid and curl their hair and draw notes for their lunchbox.  She will teach them to love music and art and each other.

Kale and Makoa will teach them that everything in life is fun.  They will play games, run, swim and laugh together.  Kale will teach them to make silly faces and Makoa will teach them how to kick a ball.   

Thank-you for taking the time to read and learn about our family.  We hope as you read about us you’ll remember that among these nice stories and pictures of us, that we are real people with happy days and sad, flaws and strengths, and that our life isn’t perfect. But we hope you’ll rest assured that we love our children with all our hearts and everything we do is to help them learn and grow and become who they are meant to be!  

We are so glad you are considering adoption. Adoption has blessed our lives, the lives of our children and their birthfamilies in immeasurable ways. Our boy’s birthmothers are dear to us in a way that no one else could ever be.  We are friends with and are in contact with almost all of our boys birthparents and birthgrandparents. We share pictures, are friends on facebook and make trips to see them. They have become like extended family to us and we love them so much! We hope to have an open relationship with our next child’s birth family too, at whatever level of openness they are comfortable with.  We would love to meet you and answer any questions you might have!

Zack, Julie, Kale & Makoa
